Toggle the visibility of sections of content
Provides options in a dropdown list as user types in an input box
For displaying a user's avatar image
Provides a way to have small numerical descriptors for UI elements
Provides a set of slots in which to render banded content
Allows users to perform an action when triggered
Directs a user to other pages or displays extra content
Gives a preview of information in a small layout
Gives a preview of information in a small layout
Render code in a styled and formatted way
Display content as tabs or an accordion based on screen size
Display dates and times in a consistent format
Provides a dropdown menu of links and/or actions
Delivers icon elements that can be sized, colored, and circled
Provides a way to present text with an accompanying icon
Moves a user to content when a link is selected
Takes markdown as input and displays it as HTML
Displays information or helps a user focus on a task
Helps a user move seamlessly through a website
Display numbers in a consistent type and format
Creates a flag/banner on the right side of the page
A primary-detail layout is an interface that shows a list of items and the corresponding details of the selected item.
Indicates that the user is waiting on a process
Guides a user through a task with multiple sequential steps
Takes in the word count of a section and calculates the estimated read time based on language
Provides a way to create a stylized list of options for a form
Organizes content in a contained view on the same page
An alert hidden on page load and slides in/out of the view