PatternFly Elements - Home PatternFly Elements v2 prerelease v1



Cards are flexible surfaces used to group information in a small layout. They give small previews of information or provide secondary content in relation to the content it's near. Several cards can be used together to group related information.

Default card

This is the default card

Link in the footer

Lightest card

This is the lightest card with a border

Link in the footer

Darker card

This is the darker card

Link in the footer

Darkest card

This is the darkest card

Link in the footer

Complement card

This is the complement card

Link in the footer

Accent card

This is the accent card

Link in the footer


npm install @patternfly/pfe-card


  <h2 slot="pfe-card--header">Card header</h2>
  <p>This is the pfe-card body.</p>
  <div slot="pfe-card--footer">
    <p>This is the footer</p>


All slots are optional. If the slot is not defined, the content will be added to the body region of the card.

If this slot is used, we expect a heading level tag (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6). An icon, svg, or use of the icon component are also valid in this region.

Default slot (body)

Any content that is not designated for the header or footer slot, will go to this slot.

Use this slot for anything that you want to be stuck to the base of the card. This region is bottom-aligned.


There are several attributes available for customizing the visual treatment of this container.


Options include darkest, darker, accent, complement, lighter, lightest. The card has a default value of #dfdfdf. Your theme will influence these colors so check there first if you are seeing inconsistencies.

color hex
lightest #ffffff
lighter #ececec
default #dfdfdf
darker #464646
darkest #131313
accent #ee0000
complement #0477a4


Optional background image applied to the entire card container. Alignment of this image can be managed using the --pfe-card--BackgroundPosition variable which is set to center center by default.


Optionally adjusts the padding on the container. Accepts: small.


Optionally allows an image or element to overflow the padding on the container. This property should be added to the direct child of the slotm such as on an image tag; should be added to the element that you want to overflow the container. Accepts: top, right, bottom, left.


Optionally apply a border color and weight to the entire card container. The default color and weight is #d2d2d2 and 1px, respectively.





Styling hooks

There are several powerful variables available to hook into and override default styles.

Background color

Though using the color attribute is strongly recommended when setting the background color for the band, you can also use completely custom colors by updating the --pfe-band--BackgroundColor variable. If you update this value manually, you should also update the --theme context variable to invoke the right theme on it and it's child elements. Supported themes include: light, dark, and saturated.

Background position

This is designed for use with the img-src attribute to allow you to align your background image. Default value is center center. Variable name: --pfe-card--BackgroundPosition.


This allows the customization of a border around the entire container. There is a variable for the entire border shorthand (transparent by default) or you can hook into the individual properties. Variable name: --pfe-card--BorderRadius and --pfe-card--Border or --pfe-card--BorderWeight, --pfe-card--BorderStyle, --pfe-card--BorderColor.


You can customize the padding around the outside of the card container by connecting to either the shortcut padding variable or just one or more of the individual padding regions. Variable names: --pfe-card--Padding or --pfe-card--PaddingTop, --pfe-card--PaddingRight, --pfe-card--PaddingBottom, --pfe-card--PaddingLeft.