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Icon delivers icon elements that can be sized, colored, and circled. Other icon sets can also be registered and added for use.



npm install @patternfly/pfe-icon



<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-protected"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-code"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-cloud"></pfe-icon>


The default size is 1em, so icon size matches text size. 2x, etc, are multiples of font size. sm, md, etc are fixed pixel-based sizes.

<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" size="sm"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" size="md"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" size="lg"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" size="xl"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" size="2x"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" size="3x"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" size="4x"></pfe-icon>


<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" circled></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" circled color="darkest"></pfe-icon>


Supported color variants are:

This draws from your theming layer to color the icon. This will set icon color or background color (if circled is true).

<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="base"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="lightest"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="lighter"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="darker"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="darkest"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="complement"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="accent"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="critical"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="important"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="moderate"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="success"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="info"></pfe-icon>
<pfe-icon icon="rh-leaf" color="default"></pfe-icon>


There are no slots, but if you wish to display some text when JS is disabled, you can put some text inside the pfe-icon tag. For instance, when using a checkmark icon in a server status table, you may wish to display "success" if JS is disabled.



For example, rh-leaf loads a leaf icon from an icon set named "rh".



The default size is 1em, so icon size matches text size. 2x, etc, are multiples of font size. sm, md, etc are fixed pixel-based sizes.



The color variant to use. This draws from your theming layer to color the icon. This will set icon color or background color (if circled is true).



Whether to draw a circular background behind the icon.

Icon sets

Icon sets are defined in detail in this blog post.

Register a new icon set

To register a new icon set, choose a global namespace for that set and identify the path at which the SVGs for that set will be hosted. Consider also the function needed to convert the icon name into the filename on that hosted location. The addIconSet call accepts the namespace (as a string), the path to the SVGs (as a string), and a function for parsing the icon name into the filename.

  function(name, iconSetName, iconSetPath) {
    var regex = new RegExp("^" + iconSetName + "-(.*)");
    var match = regex.exec(name);
    return iconSetPath + match[1] + ".svg";

Override the default icon sets

Out of the box, the default icon set (using the rh / web namespace) is hosted on If you would like to override the rh / web namespace, you can add the following to a global variable named PfeConfig.

The config must be set before the PfeIcon class is defined.

window.PfeConfig = {
  IconSets: [
      name: "rh",
      path: "path/to/svg/directory", // Or,
      resolveIconName: function(name, iconSetName, iconSetPath) { // Optional function to resolve icon paths.
        var regex = new RegExp("^" + iconSetName + "-(.*)");
        var match = regex.exec(name);
        return iconSetPath + match[1] + ".svg";

Now when pfe-icon is used, it will automatically reference the icon set defined in the config.

If you would like to opt out of any defaults so that you can dynamically add icon sets later using PfeIcon.addIconSet(), use the following:

window.PfeConfig = {
  IconSets: []

Updating an existing icon set

To updating an existing icon set, you use the same addIconSet function. The first input which is the icon set namespace is required, as is the new path. You can optionally pass in a new function for parsing the icon names into filenames.

PfeIcon.addIconSet("local", "");





Styling hooks


The color attribute is available to pull icon color from your theming layer. For more fine-grained control, --pfe-icon--color is available to override the color of a specific icon or sets of icons and will be applied to either the SVG lines or the background of the circle (if circled). Examples

Background color

The color attribute is available to pull background color from your theming layer. For more fine-grained control, --pfe-icon--BackgroundColor is available to override the background color of a specific icon or sets of icons. Be sure to set --pfe-icon--theme to the appropriate theme if you are setting the background-color.