PatternFly Elements - Home PatternFly Elements v2 prerelease v1

Jump links


Jump links act as persistent navigation that consists of a list of anchor links. Selecting a link moves a user to content that corresponds with the link selected. A link is displayed as active when the content it links to is visible in the browser window.

Page navigation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima a, vero harum animi libero quos tenetur error quisquam unde ad quidem autem perspiciatis magni blanditiis vel velit nulla nisi sit! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima a, vero harum animi libero quos tenetur error quisquam unde ad quidem autem perspiciatis magni blanditiis vel velit nulla nisi sit! Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique voluptatem quasi voluptas minima, reprehenderit in nam molestiae inventore doloremque repudiandae, nobis tempore. Suscipit dignissimos voluptatem explicabo soluta veritatis officiis dolor.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia architecto numquam iste quae expedita inventore animi quod veniam aut, fugiat eveniet, a maxime, ullam est veritatis vero esse illo suscipit.

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Lorem ipsum dolor amet umami vaporware actually church-key keytar, hell of roof party unicorn helvetica


npm install @patternfly/pfe-jump-links


This component is focused on reading content inside the and updating a sidebar or horizontal nav with to indicate the section of the document currently being viewed. As a developer, you have the choice of whether you bring your own markup to the nav, or have the nav build a DOM tree for you. Please note the shape of the DOM tree below. In order to support sub-section highlighting jump links must be very opinionated about the DOM tree.

Inside of add the class .pfe-jump-links-panel__section to tell the component to watch for when that section crosses the scroll threshold. If this section has sub-sections you add the class .has-sub-section to the section parent (i.e. section 8) and add .sub-section to the child sections (i.e. 8.1). Make sure to add an id to each section, this id will match to the href attribute of the corresponding tag.

Wiring up the nav

The panel and nav are wired up by a scrolltarget and id. On the panel add an attribute scrolltarget="foo". This will correspond to the nav's #id. Add the corresponding id to your nav like so id="foo". The last step is to match the tag's href attribute to specific sections (just like we would with same page anchor links). See below for a simple example with three sections where section two has two sub-sections:

<pfe-jump-links-nav id="jumplinks1">
  <h4 slot="heading">Jump to section</h4>
      <a href="#section1">Section 1</a>
    <li class="has-sub-section">
      <a href="#section2">Section 2</a>
      <ul class="sub-nav">
        <li class="sub-section">
          <a href="#section2.1">Section 2.1</a>
        <li class="sub-section">
          <a href="#section2.2">Section 2.2</a>
      <a href="#section3">Section 3</a>
  <h2 id="section1">Section 1</h2>
  <p>Some content...</p>
  <h2 class="has-sub-section" id="section2">Section 2</h2>
  <p>Some content...</p>
  <h2 class="sub-section" id="section2.1">Section 2.1</h2>
  <p>Some content...</p>
  <h2 class="sub-section" id="section2.2">Section 2.2</h2>
  <p>Some content...</p>
  <h2 id="section3">Section 3</h2>
  <p>Some content...</p>



The component creates a mirror shadowRoot based on the light DOM markup provided in the default slot.


The label displayed above the navigation element describing it's function. Defaults to "Jump to section".



Flips the switch on the component to create its own markup for the navigation. You can add pfe-jump-links-panel__section to each section that should show in the nav. If you want to use sub-sections add has-sub-section to the parent section that should always show and the sub-section class to the children of that section. If you use this attribute, keep in mind that non-JavaScript environments (some search engines, browsers with JS disabled) will not see the proper markup.


This attribute is read when the component upgrades to provide the innerText of the heading. If there is no sr-text attribute then the component defaults to "JUMP TO SECTION". This attribute is to enable translations and internationalization.


This attribute determines the distance from the top of the browser window to trigger a switch from one link being active to the next. For instance offset="600" would mean that threshold flips at 600px from the top. The default is set at 200, and if you desire 200px then you can leave this attribute off. The offset attribute should be placed on pfe-jump-links-panel. There is a css solution to control the offset, however the attribute value takes precedence over css. To read more about a css solution see below.

You can control offset in your styling layer as well. This value can be set directly on the component inside a style attribute, e.g. style="--pfe-jump-links-panel--offset: 100;" or using the appropriate selector in another file. Please note that adding an attribute will take precedence over a css value. At the moment only integer values passed to this key are valid. No other values are supported. This means that passing "300px", "2rem","calc(100% - 12px)" will all result in JavaScript errors. You should pass a number that correlates to pixels. To read about the offset attribute, see above.




This component fires an event when a link is made active.

Styling hooks
